I am searching for the BEST in GIMP Tutorials. Here are a few I have found, but I am not satisfied with them. They teach one fancy effect, rather than showing how to use one tool at a time.
- GIMP Tutorials – Lesson for photo editing in High School & Middle School
- Digital Coloring for Comics (Part I, II. III)
- GIMPology Latest Tutorials
- GIMP Tutorial Directory by Pxleyes
- 30 GIMP Tutorials
- GIMP an introductory tutorial (.pdf)
- The GIMP toolbox (.pdf)
Digital Photography
- Photography iTunes U course by Cedar Valley Catholic School
- Mrs. Shultz’s best-photos-from-lessons-2014
- AP Photography Blog by Wendy Capo
- Mr. William Michael Foley Digital Photography Syllabus
- Jurupa Hills High School Digital Photo 1 Assignments
- Photography High School Lessons on Pinterest
- NCVPS Digital Photography Course Description
Other FREE Digital Painting Software
Copyright & Creative Commons License
- The archives of the British Museum on Flickr
- Interesting Blogpost: Victim of Lichtenstein’s copying draws a comic about his experience
- Appropriation Art and Content – Wikipedia
- http://librarycopyright.net/etool
- http://librarycopyright.net/108spinner
- http://librarycopyright.net/digitalslider
- http://librarycopyright.net/fairuse
- Finally The End To Copyright Confusion Has Arrived